If you want to ace your next dance audition then you need to read all about these dance audition tips!

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At one point or another, every dancer will go through some form of an audition. Whether it is for a summer program, professional job, or just a local production you want to be as prepared as possible for what’s to come. As a dancer with years of audition experience, I’ve created this guide for you all about dance audition tips.
You are going to learn all about the best dance audition tips, how to prepare for a dance audition, what to expect at a dance audition, and more to help you on your dance audition journey.
After reading this post you will be more prepared than ever to conquer your next dance audition.
This post is all about dance audition tips
Dance Audition Tips
Tip #1: Get there early
We’ve all heard the saying “early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable” well I can guarantee that this is 100% true for all of your dance auditions. Be sure when you sign up or research the audition you get there at the right time to be prepared when you go in.
Be sure to account for the time you need to get ready at the dance audition and warm up before hand.
Being early to a dance audition is your best bet.
Tip #2: Bring ALL of your shoes
Especially if you are going to a musical theatre or commercial audition. It is important to be extra, extra prepared at every dance audition you go to and this dance audition tip could save your life.
Pack every shoe you might need because you never know what they could ask for and being prepared with all of your dance shoes for an audition could be what helps you get the job.
Tip #3: Be professional
This dance audition tip should be obvious. Acting professionally and politely is important the second you leave you house for the audition. You never know who could also be traveling to the audition, in the parking lot, or in the hallway beforehand.
Tip #4: Have extra headshots and resume
Just like having all of your dance shoes, having extra headshots and resumes could save your life. Sometimes they might just want a copy for every person in the audition room. And what if you accidentally drop, rip, or spill something on one of your copies.
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Tip #5: Do your research
Research the intensive, program, company, or person you might be auditioning for. Look up what dancers here typically wear or do.
Sometimes, if you go deep enough in your research, you can find out what types of things the audition hosts like to see in dancers. Familiarize yourself with what the process might be like and you will be more prepared than ever for the audition and potentially the dance job.
Tip #6: Warm up and stretch
This is a dance and dance audition tip that will help you out immensely. Every dancer should know the importance of being warm for a dance class and hopefully an audition.
Even for auditions that may start out as a class, like a ballet audition, it is important to be warmed up properly and ready because you never know what they could throw at you.
My personal dance audition tip for this part of auditions is to do a warm up you know and stand by it. If you have a teacher that uses the same warm up then use that warm up!
The most important thing is that you get your body and mind ready to move and go.
Tip #7: Go as “full out” as possible
This audition tip will help you when learning the combination. Especially if you are like me and struggle to pick up choreography.
Going as “full out” as you can in a dance audition will help you perform more and will get your body used to performing. This will really help you when it is actually time to do the audition phrase because your body will already be used to performing.
Tip #8: Dress the part
If you’ve ever heard the phrase “dress for the job you want” then its time to really live it in your next dance audition. Wear the right type of outfit in your next audition. This means to dress like the job or program you are auditioning for.
You wouldn’t wear a ballet outfit to a dance team tryout. Wear what will make you most confident and what matches the audition type.
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Tip #9: Bring backup outfits
Just like bringing all of your shoes and extra headshots, bringing backup outfits can save your life. All sorts of things can happen at an audition to your outfit. You could spill, rip, or stain something. Or worse, someone else could be wearing the exact same outfit as you.
That’s why it is important to bring backup outfits to your audition.
Tip #10: Practice healthy habits
And for our final dance audition tip, you need to practice healthy habits beforehand. This means getting the right amount of sleep, eating well, drinking water, and whatever else you need to do to have a successful audition.
It is also important to think positively and not beat yourself up afterwards. Leave it all on the dance floor.
One healthy habit I believe all dancers should engage in for dance auditions is to reward themselves afterwards. Go shopping, get a little treat, or just take a nap to reward yourself for just having the courage to get out there and do the audition.
Before you go:
I hope you enjoyed these dance audition tips to help you prepare for your next dance audition. These tips should help you ace your audition and decrease your stress leading up to the audition.
If you want more dance lifestyle and audition tips like this then be sure to subscribe to The Charming Dancer Blog below and join us for more AMAZING dance content.
This post was all about how to prepare for a dance audition