Do you need the best tips to become an amazing, strong dancer? Then this post all about my top five tips to become an incredible dancers is for you!

As a dancer that has gone through lots of trial and error with dance here are the top tips for becoming the best dancer you can be. As a dancer of over fifteen years, I’ve learned many strategies that I’m about to share with you that have helped me become a better dancer.
You’re going to learn all of the best tips for dancers including how to improve your dance confidence, practice techniques, and more! Not only will you be able to look like a better dancer, but you will also feel like a stronger dancer.
After reading this post you are going to be even more motivated to become an amazing dancer by using these dancer tips.
This post is all about dancer tips to become the best dancer ever
Dancer Tips
Dancer Tip #1: Find Your Dance Outfit
Every dancer needs to have their own personal style and an outfit that is “theirs”. This should be the outfit you feel most confident in.
Experiment with different colors and styles of dance clothing and eventually you’ll find your dance outfit that you feel most confident in. This outfit should make you feel your best and confidence is key when you show if off in dance class.
An outfit might not be able to change your dancing but it will definitely impact your confidence when you look and feel your best.
Places to Buy Dancewear
- Local Dancestore
- Discount Dance
- Dancewear Solutions
- Dancewear Corner
Check out these posts for some great dance fashion advice
17 Fall Dance Outfit Essentials
17 Unique Dance Outfit Accessories
Dancer Tip #2: Use Positive Affirmations
Being a dancer can be hard sometimes and you can even feel discouraged. That is why positive affirmations will help you immensely! By affirming yourself and telling yourself things like ” I am worthy of compliments as a dancer” you will literally start to believe it.
When you start to affirm yourself you will show that through your confidence as a dancer. Increased confidence will make you an AMAZING dancer because you literally believe you ARE ALREADY that AMAZING Dancer you want to be!
Check out our post all about dancer affirmations here!
Dancer Tip #3: Practice Outside of Dance Class
By designating time to practice on your own you will have a leg up when it comes to dance class (literally). Practicing outside of dance class will also allow you to feel more confident going into class. This way you can literally FEEL like a better dancer than you were before.
Dancer Tip #4: Write Down Dance Notes and Corrections
This dance tip actually has been proven to help dancers better apply corrections! When you write down your notes you are allowing yourself to reference them and better remember them for your next class, rehearsal, or even performance.
This dancer tip is also a great way for you to track your growth and aspects of dance you need to work on versus areas that you are already thriving at.
In addition to writing down you notes and corrections, I recommend writing down what you’re proud of and what you did each class or rehearsal. Reflecting and writing in a journal as a dancer is a great way to practice self care.
Related Post: How Journaling Will Change Your Life as a Dancer
Dancer Tip #5: Dance For Fun
This dancer tip is probably the most surprising of them all. However, it is just as important as the rest of the tips on this list.
Dancing for fun is literally what it sounds like. Find time to dance and move for your own enjoyment. This will help you rediscover WHY you LOVE to dance and what makes it so special.
Dancing for fun and for yourself gives you the chance to discover your personal artistry and voice. It will not only help you become a more amazing dancer but allow you to be a more independent artist as well.
Now you might be wondering, “how do I dance for fun?” Well, it’s pretty easy! You can start by playing a song that just makes you want to dance and move. Improvise for a little while and allow yourself to be aware of how you feel in that moment. Ask yourself questions like, “what makes this feel fun for me?”, “are these steps my own or somebody else’s?”, “how am I being my own amazing dancer?”.
As you incorporate dancing for fun into your personal dance routine, allow yourself to bring your reflections into how you move and approach dance class and rehearsals.
Before you go:
I hope this post helps you become the best dancer you can be when you start to implement these amazing dancer tips in your dance lifestyle.
If you want more great dancer tips, dance fashion advice, and dance class tips be sure to subscribe to The Charming Dancer Blog below!
This post has been all about the best dancer tips