Have you faced some set backs or rejections in your dance life or career recently? I know too well what that’s like but I also know some great strategies to help you overcome rejection as a dancer. Keep reading to find the best tips for how to your dance setbacks into success this year!

Rejection as a dancer can seem like it is never ending. Maybe you auditioned for a dance team or production and didn’t get it. Or you didn’t get into the summer or college program you wanted to. And maybe you’re even doing professional auditions and it seems like you just can’t find a job. Trust me I’ve been there.
However, you don’t have to stay in the trenches of rejection all the time. In this post I’m sharing some tried and true tips for how you can turn your dance rejection into success to stay motivated and keep going.
After reading this post you will have learned the best tips and tricks to deal with and move forward from any rejection you face as a dancer. So get ready to gain confidence and get motivated to turn your dance rejection into dance success!
This post is all about how to deal with rejection as a dancer

Tips for Dealing With Rejection as a Dancer
1. First, Let Yourself Be Disappointed

When you miss out on an opportunity that you really wanted, it is okay to feel disappointed. It actually shows that your emotions are functioning as they should.
Often as dancers we are taught to just pick ourselves up and move on to the next thing. This is usually because our lives are so fast paced and we don’t always think we have time to feel down or wallow in our feelings.
However, it is 100% natural to feel the way you are feeling when it comes to rejection as a dancer. You put yourself out there and likely put a lot of hard work into what you did.
Allow yourself to feel disappointed when you face rejection. During this time you might want to cry, lie in bed, watch your favorite comfort show, or get a sweet treat. It’s normal to give yourself about 24-48 hours to grieve and feel bad during this time.
2. Do Some Reflection

Once you’ve let yourself feel disappointed and grieved the moment of rejection, start to do some reflecting.
As you reflect try to be as objective about the experience as possible as you think about your own performance. This will help you avoid blaming or overly criticizing yourself. Often, rejection has little or nothing to do with you as a dancer, so why should you blame yourself when others are not!
Use the process of reflection as an opportunity to learn and move forward rather than dwelling on what could have been. Reflecting is just a tool to help you keep going and grow. It is not meant to make you feel worse or lower your confidence.
Questions for Rejection Reflection
Asking yourself questions as you reflect is a great tool to deal with rejection as a dancer and move forward effectively.
Here are some questions I recommend using as you reflect:
- What did you feel confident about during the experience?
- How did I feel during the audition/performance? (Nervous, excited, etc.) Did those feelings impact my performance
- Did I feel I presented myself professionally?
- Does this rejection indicate a need to adjust my goals or timeline?
- Does it highlight any specific skills I need to focus on developing?
- What areas do I think I could improve technically or artistically?
- Was I fully prepared, both physically and mentally, for the audition/performance?
- Did I showcase my strengths effectively?
- Did I make any mistakes that I can learn from?
- What did I learn during this experience? How can I use that in the future?
- Was this the right opportunity for me?
I recommend journaling these questions or writing them down.
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3. If You Can, Ask For Feedback

Sometimes you might have the opportunity to ask for feedback after your audition. This is especially useful and available if you are in an educational environment like a school program or dance studio.
You can also ask for feedback from someone else that was also auditioning/applying/performing or part of the opportunity in the past. I’ve done this before and it has led me to realize that maybe the opportunity just wasn’t right for me.
It is a great chance to get some constructive feedback and notes for what you can do better in the future.
4. Reframe Rejection as Redirection

More often than not, rejection has little to do with you as a dancer. Sometimes rejection can be an opportunity to redirect yourself. You might even find a better opportunity that wouldn’t have been available to you if you hadn’t been rejected in the first place.
Sometimes rejection gives you new opportunities. If you auditioned for a school production and didn’t get in as a performer, see if there are any opportunities to be part of the crew. Maybe you didn’t get into the summer intensive or dance program you wanted to, look for other opportunities to learn in other places.
Personally, some of the moments that I thought were “rejection” led me to some even better opportunities that completely changed my life as a dancer.
Ask yourself how you can redirect yourself to keep going and find a new opportunity after experiencing rejection in your dance career.
5. Talk to Someone About it

Sometimes rejection can take a toll and feel really isolating. This is where talking to someone that gets it can be really useful.
I recommend someone that is also a dancer or performer and understands what you are going through. Let them know what you need whether that is advice or someone that can listen to you.
6. Focus on what you CAN control

As dancers there is so much that we can’t control when it comes to putting ourselves out there and facing rejection. That’s why focusing and thinking about what is in your control is so impactful.
Think about how you can improve your abilities as a dancer, take class, seek more support, and make more connections in the future.
You are also the only person that can control your mindset and determine whether you will keep going. Remember that whenever you face rejection as a dancer.
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7. Celebrate the Small Victories

Sometimes going to an audition or putting yourself out there is a victory in and of itself. Be proud of yourself for taking a risk or trying something new.
Maybe there was a goal you set for yourself to smile more or just feel good after the audition/opportunity. If that happened feel free to celebrate!
Celebrating small milestones as a dancer throughout your career can help you build confidence and stay motivated despite any rejection you go through.
8. Remember Your Why

Why do you love to dance? Why are you willing to risk rejection throughout your career? Why did you start/want to keep dancing in the first place? Knowing your WHY as a dancer is so important because it will keep you motivated.
If you still love the feeling of dancing no matter what then that is a reason to keep going. Find ways to reconnect with your why as a dancer.
This might be by improving or creating a combination to your favorite song to dance to, taking a class with your favorite teacher, or watching videos of a dancer that inspires you.
When you can find and identify your why as a dancer I guarantee you will be able to overcome any rejection you face as a dancer.
9. Don’t Take it Personally

I’ve already said this but it’s important to hear: Most of the time rejection has NOTHING to do with you as a dancer!
Dance is such a subjective industry and you can’t blame yourself for anything that happens in casting or in the face of rejection. Rejection is never a reflection of your worth as a dancer. There are so many different factors that go into casting and auditioning that have nothing to do with your performance.
10. Keep on Going!

Every dancer faces rejection at one point or another but what sets the ones that “make it” apart is the fact that they kept going. So many performers quit right before it works out for them because you never know what opportunities are around the next corner.
If you don’t keep going you might never face rejection as a dancer again but you’ll also never face success as a dancer again.
So next time you face rejection or if you’re facing it right now, keep going forward and working hard to make your dance career happen.
Before You Go:
I hope you’ve been able to find some great advice all about how to deal with rejection as a dancer. I know facing rejection isn’t easy but it is possible to keep going!
Comment your best tip for facing rejection in your dance career!
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This post was all about how to deal with rejection as a dancer